Xavier's Blog

To my younger self

I went to a high school graduation this week.

It was a joyous day. Family, faculty, friends, and students all celebrating this milestone. The ceremony was on time and not overly long. Overall a memorable, special day.

A few members of the faculty and students gave speeches throughout the ceremony. Among all the cliches they inevitably used, there was one that stood out to me: The idea that graduates are now ready for the world.

This is a particularly timely topic for me to reflect on. As a 35 y/o I am precisely at the point in my life where I have exactly doubled my age since my own graduation.

So, was I world-ready at 17? Am I even ready now? I think the answer to me feels like it’s “we’re never ready” or “we’re always ready”. Or maybe it’s “we’re always getting ready”.

Spoiler alert: I am still getting ready.

Xavier's Blog

To try to go deeper I sat down today and I journaled a bunch of little reflections that I would say to younger myself if I could.

I thought I’d share these in the hopes of inspiring you to connect with your younger self. ❤️

To my high-school-graduating self: